Tuesday 2 August 2011

Feather Bouquets

I loooooove Etsy. It is amazing, all those fantastic crafty people out there making beautiful pieces and so many great ideas for weddings. We have something a little bit similar in the UK (Not On The High Street) but there is so much more choice on Etsy and it seems like loads of people ship to the UK too, hurrah!

As much as I love flowers I've seen a few pictures in magazines of heirloom brooch bouquets which really appeal to me as I'm a lover of all things sparkly and they are great to keep and put on display after the big day.There are so many beautiful creations on Etsy, I just wanted to share a few...

BluePetyl via Etsy
Noaki via Etsy
I think they would also make lovely centrepieces in a nice vase although they are quite pricey with all those embellishments. When I started looking at these heirloom bouquets I stumbled across feather ones which I liked even better perhaps because they were a bit simpler and not so blingy!

Croska via Etsy

La Plume Ethere via Etsy
I love the one above, so simple but gorgeous. I even found ones in purple for the bridesmaids and boutonnieres...

Handmade Wedding Shop via Etsy
After getting quite carried away with feathers and wondering if I could create a bouquet myself I showed the pictures to my fiancĂ© who really didn't like them! Ah well I guess I'm back to flowers but I'm determined to incorporate feathers somewhere! I found this gorgeous bouquet wrap which is perfect if you just want to add a little bit of sparkle and feather.

Mia Von Minks Wedding via Etsy
What do you think about flower alternatives?


  1. I ADORE that 2nd one by Noaki! I have got to figure out how to make one of those. Have any ideas?

    I have to mention, I wrote a post on feather bouquets a few weeks ago. Funny how great minds think alike. ;-)

    Here's the post: Nothing Says the "Jazz Age" Like Feather Bouquets

  2. I've just seen your post, looks like we found some of the same bouquets!! I love these too, I wish my fiancé felt the same way!

    I think you could make the feather ones quite easily if you wrapped wire around the end of the feather and perhaps glue in place with a glue gun and then leave a length of wire to use as a 'stem'. You could then wrap all the wire stems in ribbon so you hide them.

    I'm not sure about the brooches, the Noaki one looks like they have pinned some to material flowers so you might be able to use the same technique with wires. I did wonder if they might have used a polystyrene ball to secure all of the embellishments, looks like they have wires with beads and pearls on too which could easily be pushed in to a ball. It's just how you then attach the part that you hold!

    Let me know if you have a go :)


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