Monday 22 August 2011

I Won I Won!!

It's been a very busy week here hence the lack of blogging, I've been working late a lot and we had my fiancé's Grandma to stay over the weekend which was ace. I've lost both my Grandmas and feel very blessed to have a new one in my life. Grandmas rock! We took another trip up to our venue to show her and she loved it, phew!

I'm off to London tomorrow to Buckingham Palace to see the Duchess of Cambridge's wedding dress and am so excited. They also have her cake, shoes, veil, tiara and earrings on display. I'm taking the camera so will report back if photos are allowed!

Now I don't know if you are like me but I've been entering every competition going to win things for the wedding (and there are loads of competitions out there, hurrah!) and I had a very exciting phone call today to say that I had won one! So what have I won...? A boudoir shoot, eek!!! I found this competition (which you can still enter) via The Bride Fairy on Twitter and I was slightly nervous about entering as I'm very shy and not too confident but knowing how much my fiancé would love the end result I thought why not. I did look at the company first and they seem to be fine and do it all quite tastefully and with female photographers thankfully! That doesn't stop me from being extremely nervous though!

Would you consider doing a boudoir shoot for your man? Have you done one and have any tips to pass on?


  1. Ooo! I'd love to see photos when you return from your trip. Hopefully, they'll allow cameras there.

    And congrats on winning the boudoir session! I'm sure you'll do just fine. I checked out the link. From the looks of it, they know what they're doing. And I'm sure they'll do everything they can to help you feel as comfy as possible. You'll feel like a million bucks when you get those pics back for sure!

  2. Congratulations!! THat is awesome. Have fun with it and enjoy.

  3. Thanks ladies! The shoot is in a few weeks so will report back, I'm just glad they airbrush the photos!!


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