Thursday 28 July 2011

I'm Getting Married!

I guess I should start by telling you a little bit about myself and why I'm starting this blog.

I've recently started planning my wedding and I've come across a number of fantastic wedding blogs and websites that have given me loads of inspiration for my big day. I love reading about other people's plans and ideas and I thought I would start my own blog mainly as a place I can go to record and share all of my thoughts and inspirations and also to hopefully meet some other brides-to-be to share the excitement (and ups and downs!) of wedding planning.

I've been engaged to my gorgeous fiancĂ© for over a year now and we will have been together for five years when we get married next October. I knew right from the start that he was 'the one', he has such a big heart and I'm so lucky to have him. As well as being crazy about my fiancĂ© and all things wedding at the moment I'm also crazy about cake! I love baking and decorating and I'll be sharing some of my creations over the blog too. I also love making things and being creative and I imagine that there will be a lot of DIY components to the wedding so I'll be sharing some ideas and tips too.

I hope you join me on my journey and that I can provide some inspiration along the way - don't forget to say hi!
Karen x

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