Wednesday 2 November 2011

Happy Belated Halloween!

This year's pumpkin!
Hello lovelies, I'm sorry I've been so quiet on the blog front of late but life has gone a bit crazy since I started back at university and finding time for anything at the moment  is proving difficult!

I've really enjoyed looking at everyone's Halloween posts from the last few days, some great costumes guys! My fiancĂ© and I celebrated Halloween at my friend's sister's engagement party, although it was Halloween themed you could dress up as anything and there were some fantastic costumes! The bride and groom-to-be went as the corpse bride and groom and I got to indulge in my lifelong dream of becoming 80's comic hero She-Ra! There was absolutely no way I was getting my other half to go as He-Man though to match with me (he really doesn't like fancy dress!) but he did make an effort and went as The Stig from Top Gear (mysterious racing driver). We had a great night and I well and truly channelled my inner Princess of Power!

Hope you all had a good one!


  1. GREAT costumes and what an amazing carved pumpkin!! Truly talented! I was lame and didn't dress up this year..I'll have to be more on top of things next year.


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